It can't be stressed enough. The first step in your learning journey needs to be learning and mastering safety. Don't worry, there's not a million things to memorize; there are just four Primary Safety Rules to always keep in mind. Let's have a look:

Primary Safety Rule Number 1: Treat Every Firearm as If It Were Loaded at All Times
Again, at all times.. even if you've cleared it. Even if a friend told you that it's empty. This rule is a mindset that keeps us responsible and makes us respect firearms no matter what impression we're under. "I thought it was clear!!!" is not a winning excuse.
Primary Safety Rule Number 2: Never Point a Firearm at Anyone or Anything That You're Not Willing to Destroy
You should always be conscious, mindful and intentional with how and where you point your firearm. Mindlessly pointing a gun around others (called 'flagging') can lead to fatal consequences. On the other hand, train to always have your firearm ready whenever you are intentionally pointing at your target. (more detail in class)
Primary Safety Rule Number 3: Keep Your Finger Straight and Off the Trigger Until Ready to Fire
Do you naturally find your finger resting on or against the trigger when you pick up a firearm? That's the very first habit you MUST break. Your finger needs to be straight and resting against the frame/receiver of the firearm. If it's normal for your finger to be resting around the trigger, the question of "if" becomes "when" will you end up pulling that unintentionally? Especially under very high stress situations.
Primary Safety Rule Number 4: Understand Your Target and What Lies Beyond It
After your shot has gone through the paper/target, where is it going? What is your target made of? Keep in mind that if you're shooting steel or rocks, ricochet's can and do happen. Always ensure you're shooting into a safety berm or bullet trap behind your targets. Shooting over hills is never a good idea, know where your projectiles are going whether you hit or miss your target. Understanding how your FMJ or Hollow Point ammunition behaves on impact is also crucial. (covered in another post: Intro to Handgun Ammo)
When it comes to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), always be sure to wear eye protection and hearing protection as well. These items come in all shapes and sizes, and everyone has favorite brands/designs. Depending on how loud/powerful of a firearm you're shooting, it's not a bad idea to 'double up' on hearing protection too. (using in-the-ear foam plugs coupled with over-the-ear protective muffs)
'Negligent Discharges' occur when people violate these rules and consequentially end up shooting half-mindedly. It's not an 'accidental discharge' when your finger was on the trigger, and you were flagging someone at the same time. That's reckless negligence. Safety is foundational and above everything else you could possibly be taught about firearms.
When it comes to comfort, never feel pressured to do something you don't want to do. But don't let fear hold you back from learning how to optimally protect yourself or your loved ones either. Shooting your first time can be terrifying, but our concealed-carry students are always so glad they faced their fears and now carry every day for self-defense. Knowledge is power.
When picking a handgun, make sure to find one that fits Your hands. If the handgun is too big for your hands, too little of your finger will be able to reach/use the trigger and/or other controls. Believe it or not, having too much or too little finger around the trigger can affect your accuracy as well as your abilities.
For rifles/shotguns, make sure to mind Length of Pull. With adjustable buttstocks, you can shorten and lengthen them to be the best fit into your shoulder.
Safety and comfort are fundamental, and we wish you safe and successful training sessions. This is just the beginning of the learning journey so stay tuned for more!