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Abstract Blue Light

Be prepared to save a life by grabbing your own 'No-Fluff & No-Compromise' Essential Trauma Kit from Protector Instinct.


This Essential Trauma Kit has every pure necessity you'd need to control a life-threatening bleed, and not a single item of fluff that you wouldn't.


First Aid Kits are great for scrapes and cuts, but when a life is on the line, you'll need a trauma kit until emergency services arrive.


*Recommend one kit per life


(Supplemental contents available by request/order, ie burn care, splinting, etc) Contact

Trauma Kit

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
    • Durable, Rip-Away Pouch with Medic Patch
    • Gloves - for safety first
    • Shears - to quickly access a wound under clothing
    • Sterile Guaze - for applying pressure/controlling bleeding
    • Hemostatic Guaze (z-folded) - to pack wounds and/or help stop bleeding even faster
    • CAT Tourniquet - to cease life-threatening bleeding from a limb (sharpie included to write Time of Use on Tourniquet)
    • Chest Seals (Vented Twin Pack) - for protecting internal organs after a penetrating chest wound; air allowed in can prevent lungs from expanding and/or cause worse conditions.
    • Pressure Bandage - for creating and maintaining pressure over a wound
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

    Returns accepted with all original packaged contents


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review

  • JerryJan 17, 2024
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Great Kit

    This, relatively small kit, packs everything you hope you will never need in a bad situation. Perfect size for grab and go.

    Over the years I have tried to accumulate what are considered "must have" items. I know I spent more than the cost of this kit and ended up with lower quality. Recommended.

    Was this helpful?
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